Get a job... get a life's you dumb ass!!!
You're an asshole... aren't you???
You, son of a bitch!!!
Cam babi!!!
You're sick!!!
p/s: Please tell me if I don't have a future why I'm still here? The merciful told me you have own life's I say that OK... nothing ever change cause we're do nothing!!!
Free Jean-Georges: Cooking at Home with a Four-Star Chef
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5 tahun yang lalu
2 ulasan:
Ya Allah, sampai mcm tu skali.berusaha lah mencari kerja.jgn lupa doa and tawakal (tawakal bukan bermakna, dah apply duk lepak tunggu result dpt or tak)..
Pasti tuhan akan bantu...ameen
I_Hate_Lolipop - AKU amat hargainya.Terima kasih krn bg sokongan.Masih terus berjuang (",)
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